From: I R Thomas <>
Date: 08/02/2010 23:30:08 UTC
Subject: Re: Duty, and Breaking Eggs

> If this poor man knew he suffered an anaphylactic reaction to eggs,

> should

> he have carried an adrenaline auto-injector with him, even if he thought

> that there would not be eggs in the food? In that case, is there an

> issue

> of contributory negligence? It would depend, I suppose, whether the

> reasonable person who suffers from anaphylaxis is like me and takes her

> adrenaline with her everywhere she goes.

Chicken eggs can immunologically cross react with salmon roe and with

chicken meat, due to the presence of alpha-livetin  (allergen Gal d5) in

both. In theory, his lethal reaction could have been due to the presence

of chicken meat or fish roe in the food. I do normally tell my patients

with potentially lethal food allergies to carry their Epipen with them.

However, I have no way of knowing how many of them actually implement my

advice. In addition, I would imagine that meat and fish are forbidden

at the Gurudwara.

Dr Israel Thomas

Medical Practitioner

Sydney, Australia.